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Profit Vestnik Viva: revija o zdravem? Postavke kolačića mogu se kontrolirati i konfigurirati u Vašem internetskome pregledniku.

Merkel je tom prilikom optužila Evropu da se nije pobrinula za sirijske izbjeglice koje se nalaze u Turskoj. Korištenje kolačića na www. Ukoliko želite možete onemogućiti spremanje kolačića na Vaše računalo, no blokiranje svih kolačića moglo bi imati negativan učinak na korištenje mnogih internetskih stranica, pa tako i ove. To se događa na web stranicama koje Vam omogućavaju prijavu i registraciju preko računa društvenih mreža te ukoliko dijelite sadržaj web stranice na društvenim mrežama npr.

HRVATSKI WEB IMENIK • POPIS PORTALA I OSTALIH WEB STRANICA - Osim na , izrađujemo i samoljepljiva slova za i plovila. HR Starodobna vozila u Hrvatskoj OSVOJITO Nagradne igre Parentium.

General assembly and the Supervisory Board meeting of Tisak were held at the company. The General assembly of Tisak recalled three members of the Supervisory Board and replaced them with new members while also making a decision to change the auditor for the company. PwC was confirmed as the new auditor by the General Assembly. Following the General Assembly of the company, a Supervisory Board meeting was held, where the newly appointed members made a decision to replace the CEO of the company and expand the Management Board with an additional member. After appointment, Danko Duhović took over as CEO and Fabris Peruško became the CFO. By agreement, the previous CEO Hrvoje Kraljević will continue his career outside of the Agrokor Group. Danko Duhović graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Split. He was a regional manager in Europlakat for eight years and also spent two years as a manager in Euroherc. He is coming to Tisak from the position of managing director of Publicis from Rijeka. His successful professional and business career was preceded with success in sports, where Danko Duhović, as a member of the national water polo team achieved both national and international club success, and was presented with the State award for sport achievement. After finishing his active sports career, he also managed the Kvarner water polo club. After that, he spent two years as COO in the leading Russian online retailer Lamoda. From 2016 until being appointed to Tisak Management Board he was an independent consultant for managements of several regional companies.

Sport Bili - Ferplej
General assembly and the Supervisory Board meeting of Tisak were held at the company. Konkretni utjecaj na Vašu privatnost će se razlikovati od društvene mreže do društvenu mreže te ovisi o postavkama privatnosti koje ste izabrali na tim mrežama. Postavke kolačića mogu se kontrolirati i konfigurirati u Vašem internetskome pregledniku. By agreement, the previous CEO Hrvoje Kraljević will continue his career outside of the Agrokor Group. ORG - SVE NA JEDNOM MJESTU HRVATSKI TISAK 1klik do svega 1klik do svega VIJESTI 1klik do svega AUTOMOBILI Auti Autosport. To se događa na web stranicama koje Vam omogućavaju prijavu i registraciju preko računa društvenih mreža te ukoliko dijelite sadržaj web stranice na društvenim mrežama npr. Find out where is server located. Samo 250 najpopularnijih hotela s TUI primiti ovu nagradu. By submitting this query, you agree to abide by this policy. Austrije Europski sud za ljudska prava Zakonodavstvo Europske Unije Europska komisija Portal Europske Unije Klavierunterricht Pianistin Project Gutenberg Peskafondo. Te informacije mogu biti spremljene jedino ukoliko Vi to omogućite - web stranice ne mogu dobiti pristup informacijama koje im niste dali te ne mogu pristupiti drugim datotekama na Vašem računalu.